Friday, November 5, 2010


I love days when I can't help but praise Jesus!!  Yesterday and today have been like that.  Not that I'm not always thankful for what He's done for me, but some days it's just easier to express my gratitude.  I love Jesus!!  He redeemed my life from the pit.  I was going nowhere fast and once I turned to Him, He set my feet on a firm foundation, started building my faith, gave me a purpose.  He is my strengh and my shield.  He is my defense.  When the accuser of the brethren shoots his firey darts, my God is my defender and my refuge.  He is my wisdom when I have one.  He is my redemtion from an eternity in hell.  He is my strength, my song, and my salvation.  He is all the good that is in me, and all the victories that I have and will ever win are through Him.  When I don't know which way to turn He is the light unto my path, He is my guide and He is my comfort.  He is my source of joy, and peace, and anticipation.  When I am confused, and hurt, and feel defeated He is my rock, my support, and my companion.  He is my health and my healer.  He is my rest.  His name is sweet on my lips, He quenches my parched soul.  Before I have a thought or emotion He knows it.  He is Jesus!!  I am His, and He is mine.

1 comment:

  1. Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him in the noontime.
    Praise Him, Praise Him, praise Him when the sun goes down.
