Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm angry today, God is angry with the wicked every day!

I don't know if it's anger so much as disappointment.  I am so disappointed with the church in general today.  Not only that but with some people in the church I attend.  As far as churches go, I go to one of the best, if not THE best church.  We have an awesome pastor, and his wife is a rare jewel.  They will speak truth and faith to you and would be there in an instant to help anybody.  Our church has been so blessed with a revelation of the true Word of God.  We have faith in our body, we have substance, we have people who are willing to take a stand for truth.  Which is in part why I am troubled today, well, the past couple days.  You see, it's not surprising to see mainstream denominational churches bow to the world and celebrate halloween, that doesn't shock me.  The mainstream churches seem to care more about keeping people happy than pleasing God.  How can you blame them, their money is coming from the people because they don't trust God to supply for them.  I'm talking today about "Harvest Parties".  HELLO PEOPLE, IF IT LOOKS LIKE A SKUNK, SMELLS LIKE A SKUNK AND ACTS LIKE A SKUNK - IT'S A SKUNK!!  So, these churches embrace halloween in the form of a harvest party, they still dress up, they still have it at halloween time, but somehow it's supposed to be ok?  Well, if that how it works, how about this:
Before I met Jesus I drank, smoked and swore.  So, all I have to do is change the name of beer and it would be acceptable in the eyes of the Lord?  I'll call it "harvest brew".  It's not beer, it's harvest brew, it still smells like beer, looks like beer, tastes like beer but it's not, it's harvest brew.  Well, it's still sin and sin still leads to death and ultimately hell.

No wonder the world mocks the Christian church.  The church is weak because they haven't resisted enough to be strong.  They bow their knee to anything that calls itself religious.  If people can't withstand one day a year how will they withstand the anti-christ?  My Bible says to abstain from the appearance of evil, in my eyes that includes halloween and anything that resembles it.  What does your Bible say?

I want to take this time to share a dream I had a few weeks ago.  In this dream I was with a bunch of other people in some sort of a stadium.  There was a speaker talking about some changes that were going to be taking place.  They were going to be monitoring all phone activity, money was changing, people wouldn't be able to travel anymore.  It happened so quickly that all these changes were made before we even made it home.  I knew that it was ushering in the time of the anti-christ and great tribulation for true followers of Jesus.  I had a plan though, I was going to make some contacts and skip the country with a couple other people.  So, we did.  We went to another country, but it was happening there too.  There was no escaping it.  In the dream, officers were coming into houses and taking away people to a sort of concentration camp.  We (the 2 people I was with and myself) decided that we would all commit suicide by taking pills.  We prayed before taking them that the Lord would see our hearts and forgive what we were about to do and still allow us to go to heaven, then we took the pills.  In the dream I stirred awake just as the officers were coming in, the other two had already died.  I quickly went to take more pills but then woke up.  As I woke up this kept coming into my mind: "These things needs be but the end is not yet". 

That went through my mind all day "These things needs be but the end is not yet".  Hard times are coming.  Not only physically, but mentally and spiritually also.  There is no escaping it.  Now is not the time to draw back in fear but to press on, to do the things that you know you need to do to strengthen your inner being.  Pray, fast, read the Word of God.  We don't have the strength we need but we know who can strenghten us.  Don't draw back from suffering, in the end is strength.  In the end is victory, if you stay true.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Neen Bean. Perhaps, some day Harvest Parties will become a celebration of God's abundance. Harvest Home was one such feast. But each culture brings its customs and variation. Dia De Los Muertos which the Hispanic community celebrates is the source for some of the Halloween celebrations that we have. The dates for many of our Christian feasts were chosen to supplant pagan holidays - Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, pagan fertility feasts. But even the Christian feasts have been taken over by greed and avarice. You can only be true to your beliefs and be a living example of God's presence in the world.

    I love you!
